Thanks to everyone who came to the fight show this year!

Video can be found here.

Show Dates/Times:
September 13-14,2014
Saturday: 5:30PM
Sunday:1:30PM and 5:30PM

Spencer Creek Park
200 Sutters Mill Road
St. Peters, MO

Adult: $10 ahead, $12 at door
Child: $5 ahead, $7 at door
Under 3: FREE!

This Year’s Show:
All In a Day’s Work follows the misadventures of two English policemen (and their chief) as they attempt to catch an unruly thief. If you love swordfighting and clever humor (strongly influenced by BBC’s classic, Blackadder), be sure to join us!

Logistical Information:
Please bring your own seating to the event. Ticketing information can be found here. Price of admission includes a small sandwich, chips, and a drink. Food opens 40 minutes prior to the event and closes 10 minutes ahead of the show until the show is over. For questions, please contact us.


The Players:

Erica Fada (Chief Ravensdale):

Erica is thrilled to be in her second Baited Blade performance after playing Cecilia in last year’s production of My Dear Estranged Cousin. Ever since middle school, Erica has been active in multiple shows and appeared in major roles in The Crazy Quilt Club, It’s a Howl, and Hillbilly Reunion, as well as playing more minor roles in other performances. During her high school theater career, Erica worked behind the scenes in musicals, on or managing props crew, and has performed onstage in Lady Windermere’s Fan, “The Great Pandemonium”, and I Remember Mama. In her upcoming senior year, she is looking forward to stage managing the fall musical, Little Women. Erica has been fencing for about 8 years, and is a black belt in Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do, which she has been training in for nearly 9 years. Aside from martial arts, Erica enjoys dabbling in digital artwork, photography, and acting as a connoisseur of teas.

About the character:
Chief Ravendsale took pride in herself and her work as an accomplished and professional police officer…that is until she met her constables. Today, Ravensdale enjoys imagining creative ways to kill Brimble and Bungard and reminiscing over her once promising career.

Jay Winkeler (Constable Bungard):

Jay Winkeler is wildly excited to be performing in his third Baited Blade show. Jay began his acting career in high school, performing in Auntie Mame, and continued in college performing in 10 different shows, including The Night of January 16th, Cyrano de Bergerac, Plaza Suite, and Spoon River Anthology. This is the first show, though, that has demanded Jay speak with a British accent. More recently, Jay has helped with set painting and construction, backstage crew, and spotlights for the Young People’s Theater at St. Charles Community College. Jay has performed in the Baited Blade shows A Smart Thug’s Guide to Villainy and My Dear Estranged Cousin. He has been fencing with Baited Blade for about 6 years. When Jay is not doing theater-related craft, he writes software for REDACTED and is a Boy and Girl Scout leader. His hobbies include fencing (of course), Ultimate Frisbee, distance running, and reading aloud to anyone who doesn’t actively flee when he begins doing it. Jay is also working to develop the skills needed to be selected for the next manned mission to Mars.

About the Character:
Bungard was going to tell us about himself, but he hasn’t woken from his nap long enough to do so…

Jared Swope (Constable Brimble):
Jared is excited to debut in his first Baited Blade original play as writer and actor. Though he has traveled the world of the stage less than his peers, his work as a teacher has perfectly prepared him for his role in All in a Day’s Work. When not keeping kids in line at school, Jared enjoys reading history and science fiction books, putting together models, playing video games, writing his own RPG for gamers on Space Battles, and making his wife, Emily, laugh. He lives with Emily in St. Louis and has fenced with Baited Blade for about two years.

About the character:
Brimble was chosen for the police force when it needed a mascot. Thinking that Brimble was a lovably oversized monkey, they hired him straightaway. One can imagine the police department was rather disheartened when it discovered Brimble was actually a horrifyingly small-brained, foul-smelling man. They kept him on the force, figuring the problem would take care of itself. Brimble likes wallowing in mud, staring into the sun, and painting abstract art. It doesn’t bear thinking what Brimble does when he isn’t a policeman.

Emily Moore (The Thief):
Emily began acting as a child in her church’s Christmas and Easter productions. In high school, she played small roles in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Charlotte’s Web, The Night Before Christmas, and The Gift of the Magi. She also served as stage chair in If it’s Monday, it Must be Murder. She first forayed into stage fighting for a VBS week-long original comedy performed for hundreds of kids. In it, Emily played a fighting princess and Baited Blade’s own Robert McPherson choreographed and performed in the show. In 2011, Emily choreographed one of the fights showcased at Baited Blade’s Fencing Extravaganza. After that, she became the writer, director, and choreographer of Baited Blade’s original plays in 2012, 2013, and now 2014–A Smart Thug’s Guide to Villainy, My Dear Estranged Cousin, and All in a Day’s Work respectively. Her work is always informed by over 11 years of fencing experience. Most of the time, Emily plays a PhD student in Political Science at Washington University, a fencing instructor at Baited Blade, a wife to Jared Swope, and food/petting machine for her cat, Augustus.

About the character:
The Thief loves dangerous opportunities…and having a bit of fun with the police.

Production Team:

Writers: Emily Moore and Jared Swope
Director: Emily Moore
Choreographer: Emily Moore
Fight Consultant: Robert McPherson

About the Fight Show:

To showcase our club to the community (and for fun!), Baited Blade puts on a fight show annually. Every year this fight show is an original play written, directed, choreographed, and acted by club members.